Other Python versions and in a notebook (kernel)

All command need to be executed in a terminal.
List all versions:

conda search python

Install your Python version:

mkdir ~/python
export PYTHON_VERSION="3.10"
/opt/miniconda3/bin/conda create --quiet --yes \
      --prefix ~/python/"${PYTHON_VERSION}" \
      --channel conda-forge \

Create a virtual environment to be able to add Python packages you need:

mkdir ~/venvs
~/python/${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/pip install virtualenv
~/python/${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/virtualenv ~/venvs/my_environment --python ~/python/${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/python3
source ~/venvs/my_environment/bin/activate
~/venvs/my_environment/bin/pip install ipykernel

Register your new Python version in Jupyter:

~/venvs/my_environment/bin/python -m ipykernel install --prefix /home/jovyan/.local --name py${PYTHON_VERSION} --display-name "Python ${PYTHON_VERSION}"

Source: https://towardsdatascience.com/create-virtual-environment-using-virtualenv-and-add-it-to-jupyter-notebook-6e1bf4e03415
Deactivate the virtualenv:


Remove the notebook (kernel):

jupyter kernelspec uninstall py${PYTHON_VERSION}